We are Neil and Melinda Weeks. We established Weeks and Co. in 2011 in order to generate a little income and financially justify Melinda being a stay-at-home mom. Neil, who at the time was a turkey farmer, had always been creative and loved making things in his shop. Melinda loved painting and credits her talent and gifts of painting to her grandmothers. The first Facebook page post generated 5 orders and over the years the business has grown. In 2015 we were blessed enough to sell the turkey farm and focus all of our energy into growing Weeks and Co. Neil's shop was renovated and we added a large CNC (computerized cutter). The CNC kept us supplied but there was room for the machine to produce more. In June 2016, Neil began supplying Ashley Nichole Designs with their intricate cutouts and template needs. By 2024 our business had grown exponentially, still just the two of us fulfilling our orders as well as supplying Ashley with her cutting needs. We were tired. We prayed for guidance about our future, should we expand our workforce to meet our demand or adjust our marketing to decrease sales? This March a new option was presented as we were approached by Ashley and her team about joining them at Ashley Nichole Designs. We were blown away, this could be the answer, the answer neither of us ever expected. We reached an agreement in May. Weeks and Co. quietly stopped taking orders and we prepared for the next chapter.